Creating “Unplug” was a reaction to the panic we’ve all felt of being unreachable; that fear of missing out; or that need to always stay connected. We took a long look at these very modern – and all too real – anxieties that many of us feel nowadays and decided to create a scent to remind everyone that it’s ok to slow down. Take care of yourself.
Our own blend of arabica coffee, cocoa, and vanilla. Patchouli, creates balance. Traced with notes of mint and myrrh, completing the character of Unplug
Enjoy your coffee and have a slice of cake at your favorite local café. Overcome your FOMO, unplug and focus on yourself. The world will still be here when you get back. Promise!
Arabica, Myrrh, Mint
Tangerine, Cocoa, Patchouli
Lemon, French Vanilla, Woodsy
Spotify Playlist